引用本文:任斌,杜威,彭乔松,陈兰霞. PF-PRD 钻开液在文昌13-1油田的现场应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(3): 290-293.
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PF-PRD 钻开液在文昌13-1油田的现场应用
PF-PRD无固相钻开液是一种新型弱凝胶钻开液体系,形成的弱凝胶具有低剪切速率黏度高的特点,即使在高温的情况下,也具有优异的悬浮性、润滑性和抑制性;失水小,滤饼薄,易于清除,对储层的损害小;抗温、抗盐、抗剪切,对环境的适应能力较强。结合室内研究结果,介绍了PF-PRD无固相钻开液体系在南海西部文昌13-1油田的三口水平井WC13-1-A6、WC13-1-A8和WC13-1-A3井的应用情况。从应用效果来看,PF-PRD无固相钻开液体系适应于文昌13-1油田的地质构造,具有较强的推广价值和应用前景。 
关键词:  无固相  弱凝胶  低剪切速率黏度  稳定井壁  保护储集层 
Application of PF-PRD drilling fluid in Wenchang 13-1 oilfield
Ren Bin1,Du Wei2, Peng Qiaosong1,Chen Lanxia1
(1. Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Branch Ministry of Oil and Gas Distribution,Luntai 841600, Xinjiang,China;2. CNOOC (China) Co. Ltd, Zhanjiang Branch Drilling Department, Zhanjiang 524000,Guangdong,China)
PF-PRD non-solid-phase drilling fluid is a new type of weak gel drilling fluid system, whose formation of weak gel has low shear rate and high viscosity. Even at high temperatures, it also shows characteristics of excellent suspension, lubrication and inhibition ability; and low dehydration and thin filter mass make it easy to clean and can alleviate damage. Other excellent features include resistance to temperature, salinity, shear force and strong ability to adapt to the environment. In this paper, we incorporated laboratory study and field application of PF-PRD non-solid-phase drilling fluid system in three horizontal wells WC13-1-A6, WC13-1-A8 and WC13-1-A3 in the Wenchang 13-1 oilfield of southwestern China. The results show that PF-PRD solid free drilling fluid system adapt to Wenchang 13-1 oilfield geological structure, and has good prospect of application and extension.
Key words:  non-solid-phase  weak gel  low shear rate viscosity  stabilizing borehole  protecting reservoir.