引用本文:李克,潘春锋,张宇,曾文平,韩慧. 天然气发热量直接测量及赋值技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(3): 297-301.
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随着管输天然气和LNG进口量的增加以及国内气源气质复杂化局面的形成,我国天然气贸易按能量进行交接和结算的要求非常迫切。能量计量的基本原则要求,测定发热量的基准方法是燃烧法,是能量计量溯源的基础。重点介绍了国外发热量直接测量技术的最新进展、测量设备的基本原理和其达到的技术水平,比较了国内技术现状与国外水平之间的差距。介绍了发热量赋值模型的基本原理,以流体力学理论为基础,得到了长输管道在海拨高度变化情况下的流动时间计算公式。 
关键词:  天然气  能量计量  发热量直接测量  赋值 
Direct measurement and assignment technology for natural gas calorific value
Li Ke1,2, Pan Chunfeng1,2, Zhang Yu3, Zeng Wenping1,2, Han Hui1,2
(1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;2. Key laboratory of natural gas quality and energy measurement, CNPC,Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;3. CNPC South East Asia Pipeline Company Limited, Beijing 100028,China)
With the increasing of pipeline natural gas and LNG import volume, as well as the diversification situation of gas source and gas quality in China, the need of energy measurement in natural gas trade is getting more and more pressing. Combustion is the basic measurement method of natural gas energy measurement by the requirement of its basic rule. The direct measurement for natural gas calorific value is the basis of energy traceability. This paper discusses the latest progress, measurement device and its basic principle of Rossini calorific value meter, and the gap between domestic technology present situation and the abroad level is compared. The theory of calorific value assignment is introduced. Gas flow time calculation equation for long distance pipeline with altitude height changes is derived from fluid mechanics theory.
Key words:  natural gas  energy measurement  calorific value direct measurement  assignment