引用本文:夏家祥,刘宇程,徐俊忠,陈明燕. 声化破乳离心分离处理废弃油基钻井液实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(3): 306-310.
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利用声化破乳离心分离法处理废弃油基钻井液,考察破乳剂加量、加热温度、超声时间和离心机转速对脱油率的影响。通过实验确定了破乳效果最好的破乳剂是BASFL62。运用单因素实验和正交实验对声化破乳离心分离处理废弃油基钻井液的影响因素进行了研究。实验结果表明:在加热时间20 min、破乳剂加量200 mg/L、加热温度70 ℃、超声时间9 min、离心机转速8 000 r/min和离心时间10 min的条件下,声化破乳离心分离法处理废弃油基钻井液的脱油率达81.78%。
关键词:  废弃油基钻井液  声化破乳  离心分离  脱油 
Study on the centrifugal separation of waste oil-based drilling fluid under ultrasonic and chemical demulsification
Xia Jiaxiang1, Liu Yucheng2, Xu Junzhong2, Chen Mingyan2
(1.Sichuan Drilling Company of Southwest Petroleum Engineering Co.ltd, Sinopec.Deyang 618000,Sichuan,China;2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan,China)
The centrifugal separation of waste oil-based drilling fluid under the synergistic effect of ultrasonic irradiation and chemical demulsification was investigated, and the effects of demulsifier dosage, heating temperature, ultrasonic time and centrifuge speed on the deoiling ratio were analyzed. The BASF-L62 was proved to be the best demulsifier by the pre-experiment. The single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment were applied for studying the influencing factors on ultrasonic irradiation and chemical demulsification centrifugally separating the waste oil-based drilling fluid. The experimental results showed that the deoiling rate was 81.78% under the conditions of heating time of 20 min, demulsifier dosage of 200 mg/L, heating temperature of 70 ℃, ultrasonic irradiation time of 9 min, centrifuge speed of 8 000 r/min and centrifugal time of 10 min.
Key words:  waste oil-based drilling fluid  ultrasonic and chemical demulsification  centrifugal separation  deoiling.