引用本文:刁安娜,徐琼琰,张泉明,王宇. 天然气螺杆膨胀机的开发与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 378-381.
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城市天然气高压管网蕴含了巨大的压力能。通过对天然气输配系统的工艺分析,探讨了输配过程中压力能损失的回收方式及应用方向,提出了利用高压调压站的压力差通过螺杆膨胀机发电的天然气高压管网余压发电方案,描述了螺杆膨胀机的技术优势及关键技术。通过应用实例验证,螺杆膨胀发电技术安全可行,弥补了透平机械的缺陷,在天然气压力能回收和膨胀制冷工艺中值得大力推广。 
关键词:  螺杆膨胀机  压力能回收  发电系统  密封系统  控制系统 
Development and application of natural gas screw expander
Diao Anna, Xu Qiongyan, Zhang Quanming, Wang Yu
(Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 200072,China)
The high pressure pipe networks of city gas contain huge pressure energy. Based on the technology analysis of natural gas transmission and distribution system,the recovery method and application direction about pressure energy from the loss are discussed. It is proposed that the screw expander changes the pressure energy into electricity with pressure difference of high pressure regulator stations.The technological superiority and key technology of screw expander are described.The application example has proved the security and feasibility of the power generation technology with screw expander,which makes up for the defects of turbomachinery and is worth promoting in the natural gas pressure energy recovery and expansion refrigeration technology.
Key words:  screw expander  pressure energy recovery  power generation system  sealing system  control system