引用本文:严忠,庄术艺,马晓峰,黄连华,杨晓红. 曝气脱硫技术在新疆油田含油污水处理中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(5): 540-544.
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针对油田污水中含有可溶性硫化物,通过引入射流曝气装置,寻找到一种效果好的除硫技术。现场试验数据显示,在1#反应缓冲罐进口水中,硫化物质量浓度变化不大(5~8 mg/L)的情况下,出口水中硫化物质量浓度由原先的5~7 mg/L下降到0.2~0.6 mg/L;罐顶部空气中H2S质量浓度由原来的10~40 mg/m3下降到0~5 mg/m3。由于在处理环节中引入了气浮作用,相应降低了反应缓冲罐出口水中含油量,加快了反应罐中污泥的沉降速度,在相同条件下对处理水的悬浮物和含油量达标有一定的改善。该装置将气浮工艺引入到目前以沉降工艺为主的原油污水处理流程中,是对目前新疆油田原油污水处理原理和技术的一次突破。 
关键词:  射流曝气  含油污水  可溶性硫化物  脱硫化氢  油田应用 
Application of aeration desulfurization technology in oily wastewater treatment in Xinjiang oilfield
Yan Zhong1, Zhuang Shuyi2,Ma Xiaofeng1,Huang Lianhua1,Yang Xiaohong3
(1.China Petroleum Xinjiang Oil Field Company Test Research Institute,Karamay 834000, Xinjiang, China;2. China Petroleum Xinjiang Oil Field Company Oil Two Factory, Karamay 834000, Xinjiang, China;3.China Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute of Xinjiang Oil Field Company,Karamay 834000, Xinjiang, China)
Aiming at the oilfield sewage containing soluble sulfide, through the introduction of jet aeration device, this paper proposes an advanced technology with good effect on sulfur removal. Field test data show that, when the sulfur in the feed water of the 1# reaction buffer tank (5-8 mg/L ) does not change too much, the concentration of sulfide in the effluent drop from 5-7 mg/L to 0.2-0.6 mg/L; hydrogen sulfide content in air at the top of the tank also drop from the original 10-40 mg/m3 to 0-5 mg/m3. Due to the introduction of the flotation effect in the processing link, the oil concentration in the effluent of reaction buffer tank is reduced correspondingly while speeding up the sludge settling velocity, so that the content of suspended solids and oil reaching the standard have improved under the same conditions. The flotation process is introduced into crude oil sewage treatment process mainly based on the sedimentation process, which is a breakthrough for the principle and technology of current crude oil sewage treatment.
Key words:  jet aeration  oily wastewater  soluble sulfide  removal of hydrogen sulfide  application of oil field