引用本文:罗勤,姬忠礼,许文晓,陈效红. 天然气产品质量和分析测试技术国际标准化进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(6): 549-554.
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国际标准化组织天然气技术委员会(ISO/TC 193)主要从事天然气及天然气代用品(气态燃料)从生产到送交国内外最终用户的各个侧面的术语、质量指标、测量方法、取样、试验和分析的标准化,并与世界范围内有关的其他技术委员会相联系,对这些技术委员会所做与天然气有关的工作进行认可。ISO/TC 193自成立以来共制修订了43项国际标准(ISO标准)。随着我国天然气工业的迅猛发展以及天然气国际贸易量的快速增长,对天然气产品质量和分析测试技术领域的标准化需求也在不断增长。为此,重点对ISO/TC 193天然气产品质量和分析测试技术国际标准制修订项目的发展动态进行了详细的分析,提出了我国天然气产品和分析测试技术标准发展应重点关注的国际标准化项目及工作思路,从而为尽快完善我国天然气产品和分析测试技术标准体系奠定基础,实现与国际接轨的目标。
关键词:  天然气  质量  分析测试  国际标准化 
International standardization developments of natural gas quality, analytical and test technologies
Luo Qin1,2,3,4, Ji Zhongli1, Xu Wenxiao2,3,4, Chen Xiaohong4,5
(1. China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102200, China;2. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;3. Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Quality Control and Energy Metering, CNPC, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;4. China Natural Gas Standardization Technology Committee Secretariat, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;5. Quality and Standard Management Department, CNPC, Beijing 100072, China)
International Organization for Standardization Natural gas Technical Committees(ISO/TC 193) is mainly engaged in standardization of terminology, quality specifications, methods of measurement, sampling, analysis and test for natural gas and natural gas substitutes (gaseous fuel) in all its facets from production to delivery to all possible end users across national boundaries. ISO/TC 193 also undertakes recognition of work related to natural gas in other technical committees. ISO/TC 193 has drafted and revised 43 international standards since its establishment. With the rapid development of Chinese natural gas industry, as well as the rapid growth of international trade of natural gas, the demands for standardization of natural gas quality and analytical techniques are also growing. This article focused on detailed analysis of the development of international standard system revision projects in natural gas quality specifications and analytical techniques of ISO/TC 193, and proposed the concerned ISO standard projects and our next work ideas, so as to lay foundation for improving our natural gas quality and analytical techniques standard system as soon as possible and accomplish the targets in line with the international standards.
Key words:  natural gas  quality  analysis  international standardization