引用本文:刘志红,徐亚荣,徐新良,刘平. 合成气完全甲烷化催化剂的放大制备及失活机理研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(6): 606-609.
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进行了合成气完全甲烷化催化剂放大制备研究,对放大的催化剂进行了长周期的活性稳定性评价,并对催化剂的失活机理进行了探索性研究。研究结果表明,放大的催化剂经过1 000 h的连续运行,CO平均转化率为99.9%,H2平均转化率为99.80%,CH4平均选择性为98.5%,放大的催化剂的反应性能基本达到小试催化剂的性能。对甲烷化催化剂失活的机理进行的研究发现,引起甲烷化催化剂长周期运行失活的原因主要是积炭和烧结,其中烧结是影响催化剂活性下降的主要因素。 
关键词:  甲烷化  催化剂  放大制备  失活  机理 
Magnified preparation of catalyst and deactivation mechanism study of syngas methanization
Liu Zhihong1,Xu Yarong 2, Xu Xinliang2, Liu Ping3
(1. Technology Management Department of PetroChina Natural Gas Co.Ltd, Beijing 100007, China;2. Research Institute of Urumqi Petrochemical Company, Urumqi 830019, Xinjiang, China;3. Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030002, Shanxi, China)
Magnified preparation of the catalyst was studied in this paper. Activity and stability of the catalyst were evaluated through long period, and deactivation mechanism of the catalyst was studied. The study result showed that average conversion of CO and H2 reached 99.9% and 99.8% respectively, average selectivity of CH4 attained 98.5%, and the activity of application catalyst was stable after continuous running of 1 000 hours. Deactivation mechanism study of the catalyst showed that the causes of catalyst deactivation with long period operation were carbon deposition and sintering, in which sintering is the main factor resulting in the decrease of catalyst activity.
Key words:  methanization  catalyst  magnified preparation  deactivation  mechanism