引用本文:叶艳,安文华,尹达,赵姗姗,梁红军,卢虎,等. 甲酸盐溶液对饱和盐水磺化钻井液的适应性评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(6): 614-618.
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关键词:  饱和盐水磺化钻井液  甲酸盐基液  重晶石  抗盐钙污染 
Adaptability evaluation of formate solution to saturated brine sulfonated drilling fluids
Ye Yan1, An Wenhua2, Yin Da2, Zhao Shanshan1, Liang Hongjun2, Lu Hu2, Li Lei2
(1. China University of Petroleum (Beijing),Beijing 102249,China;2. PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Karamay 834000, Xinjiang,China)
Potassium-based solution with high concentrations is brought into saturated brine sulfonated drilling fluid in the complex ultra-deep wells, which can reduce the solid content of high-density drilling fluid, improve the thermal stability of the drilling fluid, temperature resistance of key treatment agents and the drilling speed in the extremely thick ultra-deep salt formation, and slow down the drilling corrosion. At the same time, formate drilling fluids have the advantages of inhibitive ability, good quality of mud cake, low annular pressure lost and friction coefficient. This article discussed the solubility of barite in potassium formate solution and its tolerance to salt and calcium. The experimental results showed that barite was almost insoluble in potassium solution so that the formate solution of 30%~70% was used to improve the density of base fluid and then choosing barite to aggravate it was feasible. In addition, the solubility of sodium chloride and gypsum in formate solution both reduced by different degrees, which could be used to further increase the tolerance to salt and calcium of sulfonated drilling fluid.
Key words:  saturated brine sulfonated drilling fluids  formate base fluid  barite  tolerance to salt and calcium