引用本文:杨志刚,刘立,魏彦林. 延长油田含油污泥处理现场试验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(6): 654-657.
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延长油田地处干旱、缺水地区,生态环境恶化,含油污泥带来的环境污染问题严重,采用热洗→三相分离→压滤→固化技术路线对延长油田某采油厂含油污泥进行了现场处理试验,热洗法对于含油污泥具有很好的除油效果,除油率达到90%以上;压滤后污泥制成的砖抗压强度达到10 MPa以上,浸出液COD值达到外排标准,可用于井场建设,实现含油污泥无害化处理与资源化利用。
关键词:  油田  含油污泥  热洗  固化  现场试验 
Field study of oily sludge treatment in Yanchang oilfield
Yang Zhigang, Liu Li, Wei Yanlin
(Research Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum(Group)Co.,Ltd, Xi'an 710075,Shaanxi,China)
Yanchang oilfield is located in arid and water-scarce areas. The ecological environment of this region is deteriorating and the pollution caused by the oily sludge is serious. The oily sludge was treated in some oil production plant of Yanchang oilfield by hot wash→ three-phase separator →pressure filter→solidify technology route. Hot wash was propitious to remove oil from oily sludge,and the removal rate could be more than 90%. The compressive strength of brick made from sludge which treated by pressure filter was more than 10 MPa, and the COD of leaching solution reached emission standards. The brick could be used for the construction of well site. This technology realized harmless treatment and resource utilization of oily sludge.
Key words:  oilfield  oily sludge  hot wash  solidify  site test