引用本文:李娜,孙文勇,李佳宜. 保护层分析方法研究及其在风险分析中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(6): 663-666.
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中国石油近几年来在多家炼化企业逐步推进危险与可操作性分析工作,但该种方法仍然存在一些不足,在此基础上,引入保护层分析方法,实现风险的半定量评估。简单介绍了保护层分析方法的概念,使用该种方法的时机,什么是保护层和独立保护层,保护层分析方法的步骤,使用保护层分析的优点及局限性等等。通过引用实例,在危险与可操作性分析的结果上开展保护层分析,详细列出如何按照保护层分析的步骤一步步开展工作。 
关键词:  保护层分析(LOPA)  独立保护层  风险 
Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) method and application of risk analysis
Li Na, Sun Wenyong, Li Jiayi
(China National Petroleum Corporation Research Institute of Safety & Environment Technology, PetroChina Science Park, Beijing 102206,China)
The CNPC has advanced the Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) method on several refinery enterprises in recent years. The Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) method is integrated into the HAZOP on the basis of that there is still existing insufficient on HAZOP. The LOPA can realize semi-quantitative evaluation of risk by means of HAZOP results. This article introduces the concept of LOPA, occasion of using LOPA, what are the layers of protection and the Independent of Protection Layers (IPLs), the procedure of LOPA, the advantage and limitation of LOPA, and so on. Through an example of carrying on the LOPA on the results of HAZOP, the work is listed in details step by step according to the procedure of LOPA.
Key words:  layers of protection analysis (LOPA)  independent protection layers (IPLs)  risk