引用本文:张大秋,敬季昀,杨林,王棠昱. 井场原油脱除H2S工艺技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 1-5.
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张大秋1, 敬季昀2, 杨林2, 王棠昱3
针对我国西部某油田A井区高含硫的问题,利用专业软件模拟和相关实验开展了井场原油气提脱硫技术和化学脱硫技术的研究。在模拟A井气提脱硫的基础上,得出气提法的优化参数为塔压0.3 MPa,6层塔板,气提气量和塔底重沸器温度依据气提气充足与否和耗能情况进行调节,气提气量控制在4.7~6.1 m3/t,相应的塔底重沸器温度为152.0~41.6 ℃。对于化学脱硫,通过实验筛选出了适用于A井、主要成分为二异丙基合成物的脱硫剂,并评价了用量、作用时间、含水率、温度等因素对其脱硫效果的影响。 
关键词:  原油  硫化氢  H2S  气提脱硫  脱硫剂 
Research of crude oil desulfurization technology in well sites
Zhang Daqiu1, Jing Jiyun2, Yang Lin2, Wang Tangyu3
1.Changchun Occupation Hazard Detection and Inspection Center, Changchun 130000, Jilin, China;2.Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;3.China Petroleum Engineering Design Co., Ltd of Southwest Company, Chengdu 610017, Sichuan, China
The existence of hydrogen sulfide in crude oil will cause the corrosion of the equipment,lower oil quality and a serious threat to personal safety. Therefore, it is important to remove hydrogen sulfide in the process of crude oil production. To solve the problem of high-sulfur crude oil produced in A well area in the western China, the gas stripping method and the chemical method have both been analyzed. Based on the stimulation of stripping process, the optimized parameters of gas stripping are obtained, namely tower pressure is 0.3 MPa, plate number is 6, stripping gas is 4.7-6.1 m3/t, and reboiler temperature is 152.0-41.6 ℃ , the amount of stripping gas and the reboiler temperature are adjusted according to the adequacy of gas and the energy consumption. The desulfurizer mainly composed of two isopropyl complexes has been screened out and the effect of dosage, operating time, water content, temperature on the desulfurization have also been evaluated.
Key words:  crude oil  hydrogen sulfide  H2S  gas stripping  desulfurizer