引用本文:熊颖,刘友权,陈鹏飞,李范书,吴文刚,赵万伟,等. 大规模增产作业中液体的回用技术探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 53-57.
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熊颖1, 刘友权1, 陈鹏飞1, 李范书1, 吴文刚1, 赵万伟1, 赵浩2
关键词:  回用  压裂返排液  滑溜水  冻胶压裂液  环境污染  水资源 
Discussion on liquid recycling technology in mass production operation
Xiong Ying1, Liu Youquan1, Chen Pengfei1, Li Fanshu1, Wu Wengang1, Zhao Wanwei1, Zhao Hao2
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213,Sichuan, China;2.Southern Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Luzhou 629000, Sichuan, China
For lack of water source, processing difficulties of fracturing flowback fluid and environmental pollution risk in volume fracturing process of shale gas, tight gas and other unconventional gas reservoir, the fluid recycling technique in the mass increase production was discussed. Mass increase production requires a lot of water, so the contradiction between supply and demand of water near the well site is very outstanding. At the same time, to produce a large amount of fracturing flowback fluid, it faces the grim situation of environment.and restricts the development of unconventional gas reservoir. The composition of fracturing flowback fluid is complex, mainly depends on water quality of fracturing fluid, fracturing liquid composition, reservoir geologic chemistry, and formation water, etc. These substances will influence the reuse performance of fracturing flowback fluid, so they need to be dealt with. The fluid recycle technique in the mass increase production can satisfy the performance of fracturing flowback fluid construction requirements once again mainly through the disinfection, settlement in addition to the mechanical impurities, chemical precipitation in addition to the high metal ions, compensatory loss additives etc. The technology was widely used in tight gas reservoirs of Xujiahe and tight oil reservoirs of Jurassic in Sichuan basin. The utilization ratio of flowback fluid after recycling is 95%, saving water source and achieving the circular economy.
Key words:  reutilization  fracturing flowback fluid  slick water  gelled fracturing fluid  pollution of the environment  water resource