引用本文:徐辉. 超高分子缔合聚合物溶液特性及驱油性能研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 62-66, 72.
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超高分子缔合聚合物是一种新型的驱油聚合物,该聚合物既有较高的相对分子质量且分子间又有一定的缔合作用,和常规驱油聚合物相比它具有不同的驱油性能和聚集体形态。为此选择了一种超高分子缔合聚合物,通过安东帕流变仪,冷冻蚀刻扫描电镜和驱油物理模拟流程分别研究了它的增黏性、黏弹性、聚集体形态、调剖及驱油性能。研究结果表明:相对于常规聚合物,超高分子缔合聚合物具有更好的增黏性和黏弹性,且在胜利油田高温高盐油藏条件下表现出优良的驱油效果,具有良好的应用前景。 
关键词:  增黏性  黏弹模量  聚集体形态  冷冻蚀刻扫描电镜  驱油性能 
Solution characterization and displacement efficiency research of ultra high molecular weight association polymer
Xu Hui
Geoscience Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield Company,Sinopec, Dongying 257015, Shandong,China
Ultra high molecular weight association polymer is a new kind of oil displacement polymer. Compared with common HPAM, it is qualified with high molecular weight and some degree of association action. It is different from the common oil displacement polymer with its morphology of the aggregate and displacement efficiency. A kind of ultra high molecular weight association polymer was chosen. Through Anton Paar rheometer test, CRYO-SEM test and flooding physical simulation process test, the viscosifying ability, viscoelastic behavior, morphology of the aggregate, profile control and displacement efficiency were evaluated. The results showed that compared with common HPAM, the ultra high molecular weight association polymer was qualified with better viscosifying ability, better viscoelastic behavior under salty water condition. It also showed a good oil displacement effect at high temperature and high salinity reservoir in Shengli oilfield, and it has a good application prospect.
Key words:  viscosifying ability  viscoelastic modulus  morphology of the aggregate  CRYO-SEM  displacement efficiency