引用本文:王治红,朱超,王小强,但小东. 再循环腔进口位置对超音速分离器流场影响数值分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(2): 117-121.
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王治红1, 朱超1, 王小强2, 但小东1
超音速分离器作为一种新型、高效的分离设备,具有传统分离方式和设备不可比拟的高效性和经济性。在相同的结构尺寸下,对传统超音速分离器与再循环超音速分离器进行了对比数值模拟。结果 表明,在相同的出口压力下,再循环分离器的流场分布较传统分离器好,且能使激波远离喉部,扩大超音速流动的区域范围,有利于气液分离。同时,针对再循环腔不同进口位置对流场稳定性的影响进行了分析。结果 表明,进口位置在Laval喷管出口时,流场稳定性较好,有利于提高分离性能。 
关键词:  超音速分离器  再循环  数值模拟  激波  天然气 
Numerical analysis of influence of recycling chamber inlet position on the flow of supersonic separator
Wang Zhihong1, Zhu Chao1, Wang Xiaoqiang2, Dan Xiaodong1
1.Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.Qijiang Branch of Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 401433, China
As a new efficient separation equipment, supersonic separator has incomparable efficiency and economy with respect to traditional separation methods and equipments. In this paper, the numerical simulation between traditional supersonic separator and recycling separator with same structure and size were compared. Under the same outlet pressure, the flow distributions in the recycling separator was better than the former, the shock wave was further away from the throat which could expand the area of supersonic flow and improve the efficiency of gas-liquid separation. While the stability of flow influenced by the different inlet position of recycling chamber was analyzed, and the result showed that flow stability was better and could improve the separation performance when the inlet position was at the outlet of Laval nozzle.
Key words:  supersonic separator  recycling  numerical simulation  shock wave  natural gas