引用本文:刘文广,张毅,张波. 高H2S高CO2高Cl-天然气压力容器设计[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(2): 152-156.
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刘文广1, 张毅1, 张波2
介绍了三高气田(高H2S、高CO2、高Cl-)压力容器设计的基本作法,同时对制造检验过程中出现问题的处理和试运投产的基本情况作了说明,确保了压力容器的安全,装置一次投运成功,最终生产出合格的天然气、凝析油、相应附属产品。该压力容器突破了国内外大型气田的开发,在国外一次投产成功,为今后国外三高气田的开发走出了一条安全可靠、便利实施的新路,这些作法和处理意见为同行们今后的设计、施工提供了参考。 
关键词:  高H2S高CO2高Cl-气田  压力容器设计  问题处理  安全可靠 
Design of pressure vessel for natural gas with high H2S, CO2 and Cl- contents
Liu Wenguang1, Zhang Yi1, Zhang Bo2
1.China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd.Southwest Company, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China;2.CCDC Sichuan Petroleum Construction Co., Ltd, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China
The basic designing practices of pressure vessels for natural gas field with high H2S, CO2 and Cl- contents were introduced. Meanwhile, handling of problems appeared during manufacture and inspection process, as well as basic situations of the pressure vessels after put into production were explained. These measures ensured the safety of the pressure vessels and the successful start-up of the devices to produce qualified natural gas, condensate oil and corresponding affiliated products. All of above made a breakthrough in the large gas field development both at home and abroad, and the unit was successfully commissioned abroad. The practices and processing suggestions in the approaches also provided new safe and convenient ways to implement in the development of similar gas field abroad, and provided references in design and construction for similar units.
Key words:  natural gas field with high H2S  CO2 and Cl- contents  pressure vessel design  problem handling  safe and reliable