引用本文:闫静,吴贵阳,吴华,刘志德,袁曦,谷坛. 钛合金材料在高酸性环境中的耐蚀性能研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(2): 165-167.
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闫静1,2,3, 吴贵阳1,2,3, 吴华1,2,3, 刘志德1,2,3, 袁曦1,2,3, 谷坛1,2,3
采用光学显微镜研究了钛合金及其焊缝的显微组织,采用电化学失重挂片法、NACE TM0177 A法(恒负荷拉伸试验)和四点弯曲法研究了钛合金及其焊缝在高酸性环境中的电化学腐蚀性能和抗环境开裂腐蚀性能。研究结果表明,TA2基材为单一的α相组成,焊缝组织由大块α+α相或者大块α+片状α+α相组成,热影响区的组织比焊缝组织细小。在高酸性环境中,钛合金具有很好的耐蚀性能。 
关键词:  钛合金  高酸性环境  耐蚀性能 
Corrosion resistance of titanium alloy in high sour environment
Yan Jing1,2,3, Wu Guiyang1,2,3, Wu Hua1,2,3, Liu Zhide1,2,3, Yuan Xi1,2,3, Gu Tan1,2,3
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;2.National Energy R&D Center of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation,Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;3.High Sulfur Gas Exploitation Pilot Test Center, CNPC, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China
The optical microscope was used to research microstructure of Titanium alloy and its welds, then corrosion weight loss method, NACE TM0177 A method (Standard Tensile Test) and standard Bent-Beam test method were used to research corrosion resistance performance of electrochemistry and environmental cracking in high sour environment. The results showed that the microstructure of TA2 was single α phase, welds were big α+α phase or block α+flaky α+α phase, and microstructure of heat affected zone was tinier than welds. Titanium alloy had good corrosion resistance in high sour environment.
Key words:  titanium alloy  high sour environment  corrosion resistance performance