引用本文:蒋艺,黄坤,李欣,贺焕婷,王怡佳,沈坤蓉. 基于模糊综合法的L-CNG加气站风险评价研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(2): 213-216.
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蒋艺1, 黄坤1, 李欣1, 贺焕婷2, 王怡佳1, 沈坤蓉1
以某L-CNG加气站为例,结合行业的安全标准规范,采用模糊综合评价法,从L-CNG加气站的人员、设备、环境3个方面考虑影响L-CNG加气站安全的13个主要因素,确定评价指标和权重集的计算方法,建立了L-CNG加气站安全评价体系,通过计算求出评价总分,以达到风险辨识的目的。通过运算结果分析,模糊综合法在L-CNG加气站风险评价中的应用是可行的。 
关键词:  L-CNG  加气站  因素  权重  风险评价  模糊综合法 
Risk assessment of L-CNG filling stations based on fuzzy comprehensive method
Jiang Yi1, Huang Kun1, Li Xin1, He Huanting2, Wang Yijia1, Shen Kunrong1
1.Petroleum Engineering Institute of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.Drilling & Production Technology Research Institute, PetroChina Qinghai Oilfield Company, Dunhuang 736202, Gansu, China
Taking a L-CNG filling station as an example, combining the safety standards of L-CNG industry, 13 major safety influence factors were considered from personnel, equipment, and environment aspects of L-CNG filling station by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The evaluation index and weight sets calculation method were determined, the safety evaluation system of L-CNG filling station was set up, and the evaluation score was obtained by calculation in order to achieve the purpose of risk identification. The analysis of calculation results showed that fuzzy comprehensive method in the application of L-CNG filling station risk assessment was feasible.
Key words:  L-CNG  filling station  factor  weight  risk assessment  fuzzy comprehensive method