引用本文:黄坤,王怡佳,李新战,吕游,何慧娟,刘耔麟. 基于正交试验的仰角式油水分离器结构参数优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 241-245.
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黄坤1, 王怡佳1, 李新战2, 吕游1, 何慧娟1, 刘耔麟1
针对仰角式油水分离器结构进行了初步设计。为了提高分离器油水分离效率,引入正交试验法对其结构参数进行改变和重新配置,设计了8因素5水平的正交方案,得到50种不同的结构组合模型。采用Fluent 12.0软件对50组模型进行数值模拟,选取其中的25组进行直观分析,得到最优方案A;通过数值计算数据的极差分析以及结构参数对油水分离效率的影响分析,选取各因素平均油水分离效率最高的水平组合,得出最优方案B;将A、B两方案进行比较分析,最终确定仰角式油水分离器的最优结构参数组合为B方案。采用相同的数值模拟方法,得出优化后的分离效率比优化前提高4.972%,表明正交试验法在该型分离器结构参数的优化方面具有一定的工程实践意义。 
关键词:  仰角式油水分离器  结构参数  正交试验  数值模拟  分离效率 
Structure parameters optimization of the inclined oil-water separator based on orthogonal design
Huang Kun1, Wang Yijia1, Li Xinzhan2, Lyu You1, He Huijuan1, Liu Zilin1
1.School of Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.Gan-Shan Management Office, West-East Gas Pipeline Company, PetroChina, Xi’an 710016, Shaanxi, China
The inclined oil-water separator is a new efficient oil-water separation equipment and the structure of which is designed preliminarily. In order to improve the oil-water separating efficiency, orthogonal design is introduced to optimize the structural parameters. An orthogonal scheme with 8 factors and 5 levels is designed to get 50 different structure models. Fluent 12.0 software was used to simulate the 50 models and 25 schemes of them were selected for visual analysis, as a result, the scheme A was determined as an optimal scheme. By the range analysis of numerical data and the influence analysis of structure parameters on the impact of oil-water separation efficiency, the highest levels of the average oil-water separation efficiency were combined to get an optimal plan B. After comparing A with B, it showed clearly that optimal parameters of the inclined oil-water separator was plan B. By simulating flow field with the same method, it was found that the optimized separation efficiency increased by 4.972%, which showed that orthogonal design in optimizing structure parameters of the separators had some practical significance.
Key words:  inclined oil-water separator  structure parameters  orthogonal design  numerical simulation  separation efficiency