引用本文:张建甲,张洁,陈刚,蒲林. 柿子皮制备环保型水基钻井液处理剂及其作用效能研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 302-307.
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张建甲1, 张洁1, 陈刚1, 蒲林2
将柿子皮粉末作为水基钻井液添加剂,其性能评价结果表明,柿子皮粉末具有较好的降滤失作用;随着老化温度的升高,柿子皮粉末处理水基钻井液黏度先增大再降低后又增大,柿子皮粉末在水基钻井液中降滤失作用逐渐减弱,大于150 ℃后失去降滤失作用;线性膨胀率实验和泥球实验表明,柿子皮粉末水提取液对膨润土的水化膨胀有一定的抑制作用,优于4%(w)KCl溶液;配伍性实验结果表明,随着老化处理温度的升高,柿子皮粉末与改性淀粉体系钻井液配伍表现出增黏和较好的降滤失作用,与聚丙烯酰胺体系钻井液配伍效果不佳,尤其在120 ℃处理后黏度骤降(从30.0 mPa·s降到4.0 mPa·s),且失去降滤失作用。 
关键词:  柿子皮  水基钻井液  添加剂  降滤失 
Preparation and evaluation of environment friendly water-based drilling fluid additive by persimmon peel
Zhang Jianjia1, Zhang Jie1, Chen Gang1, Pu Lin2
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, Shaanxi, China;2.Chengdu Lanjing Sci.Tech.Co., Ltd, Chengdu 610055, sichuan, China
The powder of persimmon peel was used as water-based drilling fluid addictive, and the performance of it was evaluated. The results showed that persimmon peel performed a great effect of reducing fluid loss, and with the treatment temperature increasing, apparent viscosity and plastic viscosity was firstly increased, then reduced, and finally increased, the filtration reduction weakened and invalided above 150 ℃. The results of linear bentonite swelling experiment and mud ball experiment presented that water extract of persimmon peel can inhibit hydration and swelling of clay along with the concentration, excelled to that of 4%(wt) KCl solution. The results of compatibility with common drilling fluid additives showed that the viscosity and filtration reduction increase along with the treatment temperature increasing companying with modified starch, while the compatibility with polyacrylamide is poor, especially, the viscosity drops suddenly (from 30.0 mPa·s to 4.0 mPa·s) at 120 ℃ and filtration reduction is invalid.
Key words:  persimmon peel  water-based drilling fluid  additive  filtration reduction