引用本文:刘成军,孙惠山,温世昌,周璇. 优化C4原料生产低硫MTBE并回收二硫化物的方法探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 345-351.
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刘成军, 孙惠山, 温世昌, 周璇
探讨了一种生产低硫MTBE产品并回收二硫化物的方法。根据C4馏分中各组分及硫杂质沸点的不同,将其送入1台C4馏分分割塔中,塔顶分出的是作为MTBE装置原料的轻C4馏分;侧线抽出重C4馏分,主要含C5、顺丁烯、乙硫醇、异丙硫醇等较重组分,抽出量占C4馏分总量的8%~15%;在侧线抽出板的下层塔板上设二硫化物循环进料线,主要用于解决C4馏分中二硫化物含量小、塔底液位控制困难的问题;分割塔塔底出料为二硫化物,被送至经过特别设计的间歇操作二硫化物分馏塔,分离出二甲基二硫和二乙基二硫混合物,用作化工原料或产品。经处理后的轻C4馏分已不含C5及乙硫醇等重硫化合物,故可保证以其为原料生产的MTBE中总硫质量分数降至10 mg/kg以下。该方法具有工艺简单、不需要外部吸附剂或吸收剂、无新增三废污染等优点。 
关键词:  MTBE  硫含量  C4馏分  二硫化物  C4馏分分割塔  二硫化物分馏塔 
Discussion of producing MTBE with low sulfur content and recovering bisulfides by optimizing C4 feedstock
Liu Chengjun, Sun Huishan, Wen Shichang, Zhou Xuan
CPECC East-China Design Branch, Qingdao 266071, Shandong, China
A method of producing MTBE product with low sulfur content and recovering bisulfides(RSSR) was discussed. Based on the boiling point differences of the components and sulfides in the mixed C4 fraction, mixed C4 fraction were sent to a fractionator to separate the light C4 fraction and heavy C4 fraction. The top products were routed to MTBE unit as light C4 fraction, while the heavy C4 fraction were drawn as side product, which mainly contained C5, cis butylene, ethanethiol, iso-propanethiol, etc. The heavy C4 fraction account for about 8%-15% of the total mixed C4 fraction ration. A RSSR recycling feedback line was set on just beneath the lowest side-draw tray of the fractionator mainly to solve the problem of bottom level control due to the small amount of RSSR. The bottom products(mainly RSSR) were sent to a RSSR fractionator, which was specially designed and operated batchwise. Dimethyl-bisulfides and diethyl-bisulfides were separated in the fractionator and used as chemical raw materials or chemical products. The treated light C4 fraction contains no heavy sulfides such as C5 or ethanethiol, so that the total sulfur content of the MTBE produced by the treated light C4 fraction was decreased to below 10 mg/kg. The method has advantages of simple process, no need of outside adsorbents or absorbents, and no additional waste emissions.
Key words:  MTBE  sulfur content  mixed C4 fraction  bisulfide  C4 fractionator  RSSR fractionator