引用本文:刘武,纪国文,季寿宏,何春龙. 多气源混输条件下天然气互换性问题分析——以浙江省天然气管网系统为例[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 401-404.
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刘武1, 纪国文1, 季寿宏2, 何春龙2
浙江省天然气市场已进入高速发展阶段,“十二五”期间将逐步形成六大气源混输供应体系。气源多元化提高了天然气供应系统的安全性,但天然气产地及生产工艺不同,不同气源特别是管输天然气和液化天然气的组分及气质特性存在着较大差异,不同气源进入主干管网时必须考虑互换性。采用华白数法、美国燃气协会(A.G.A)法对浙江省现有五大气源天然气的互换性进行了分析。借鉴国外解决多气源互换性问题的相关做法,提出了浙江省多气源混输格局下管网供气的解决方案。 
关键词:  多气源  混输  互换性  华白数法  A.G.A法  解决方案 
Analysis of natural gas interchangeability under the condition of multiple gas mixed transportation: A case study in natural gas pipe network system of Zhejiang province
Liu Wu1, Ji Guowen1, Ji Shouhong2, He Chunlong2
1.School of Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.Zhejiang Zheenergy Natural Gas Operation Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310006, Zhejiang, China
The natural gas market has entered a stage of rapid development in Zhejiang province, and six supply systems of gas source mixed transportation will be gradually formed during the twelfth five-year period. The diversification of gas source has improved the security of natural gas supply system and the interchangeability of different gas sources, however, must been taken into consideration when getting into the main pipeline network due to the differences of natural gas origin, production process, and gas source, especially the air components and characteristics between natural gas and liquefied natural gas. Using Wobbe index method and America Gas Association (A.G.A) method, the interchangeability of five major sources of natural gas in Zhejiang province was analyzed. Referring to the foreign methods of solving gas interchangeability problem, solutions of gas pipeline network supply under the structure of gas source mixed transportation in Zhejiang province are put forward.
Key words:  multiple gas source  mixed transmission  interchangeability  Wobbe index method  A.G.A method  solution