引用本文:袁清,姜伟强. 中型单容LNG储罐在珠海天然气液化装置的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 501-504.
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袁清, 姜伟强
单容LNG储罐在中小型天然气液化装置中应用广泛,且造价低廉,但其安全性较低。静态日蒸发率的高低及压力控制系统是否能够控制储罐压力在正常范围内是衡量单容罐性能优良与否的重要表征。珠海天然气液化装置拥有两座相同的中型单容LNG储罐,从该装置的实际运行情况出发,测算了储罐的静态日蒸发率随充满率的变化情况,并分析说明造成储罐压力快速变化的原因以及压力控制系统的控制效果。 
关键词:  LNG  储罐  单容  液化天然气  静态日蒸发率  压力控制 
Application of medium-sized single capacity LNG storage tank in Zhuhai natural gas liquefaction plant
Yuan Qing, Jiang Weiqiang
CNOOC Guangdong Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited, Zhuhai 519060, Guangdong, China
Single capacity LNG storage tanks are widely used in small and medium-sized natural gas liquefaction plants. The cost of tank is low, but the security is poor. The discretion of the static daily evaporation rate and whether the pressure control system can control the tank pressure within the normal range are the important characterization to evaluate the performance of single capacity tank. Zhuhai LNG plant includes two medium single LNG storage tank with the same size, based on the practical operation of the device, the change of static daily evaporation rate with filling level were measured, the cause of the rapid change of the tank pressure was analyzed, and the control effects of pressure control systems were demonstrated.
Key words:  LNG  storage tank  single capacity  liquefied natural gas  static daily evaporation rate  pressure control