引用本文:刘大海,张元,段春兰,李欢,蒋建敏,陈婷,等. 钻井液降滤失剂KJC的合成[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 543-546.
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刘大海1, 张元2, 段春兰1, 李欢3, 蒋建敏4, 陈婷4, 孔权4
降滤失剂作为重要的钻井液处理剂,其耐温耐盐能力直接影响水基钻井液的性能。从聚合物结构和官能团出发,选用对苯乙烯磺酸钠(SSS)、丙烯酰胺(AM)、烯丙基聚乙二醇(APEG)进行共聚得到钻井液降滤失剂KJC。以失水量为评价指标,通过单因素实验得到最佳合成条件为:m(APEG)∶m(AM)∶m(SSS)=1∶2∶1,单体质量分数20%,反应温度60 ℃,引发剂质量分数0.7%,反应时间5 h。通过红外分析表明,合成产物结构与设计结构相符。性能评价表明,所合成的聚合物具有较好的抗温能力和抗钙能力。 
关键词:  钻井液  降滤失剂  合成  抗温 
Synthesis of drilling fluid loss agent KJC
Liu Dahai1, Zhang Yuan2, Duan Chunlan1, Li Huan3, Jiang Jianmin4, Chen Ting4, Kong Quan4
1.Sichuan Renzhi Oilfield Technology Services Co., Ltd, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan, China;2.Fengcheng Operation Area, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Branch Company, Karamay 834000, Xinjiang, China;3.PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Branch Company, Karamay, Xinjiang 834000;4.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China
As an important drilling fluid, the ability of heat resistance and salt tolerance of fluid loss additive directly affects the performance of water-based drilling fluid. Based on the polymer structure and functional groups, drilling fluid loss additive KJC was obtained by copolymerizing sodium styrene sulfonate (SSS), acrylamide (AM), and allyl polyethylene glycol (APEG). Taking the water loss as an evaluation index, the optimal synthesis conditions were gotten by single factor experiments, namely m(APEG)∶m(AM)∶m(SSS)=1∶2∶1, monomer mass concentration is 20%, reaction temperature is 60 ℃, initiator dosage is 0.7%, and reaction time is 5 h. The FT-IR spectrum analysis shows that the product structure is consistent with design structure synthesis. Performance evaluation shows that the synthetic polymer has good temperature resistance and the ability to resist calcium.
Key words:  drilling fluid  fluid loss additive  synthesis  temperature resistance