引用本文:颜晓琴,何培东,何金龙,郑斌,李富元,唐浠,等. 天然气净化装置胶状堵塞物形成原因与机理研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 579-584.
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颜晓琴1, 何培东2, 何金龙1, 郑斌3, 李富元4, 唐浠2, 涂陈媛1
胶状堵塞物影响装置正常运行是天然气净化过程中的生产难题,为了解决此问题,开展了胶状堵塞物形成原因研究。通过进行胶状堵塞物组成分析、胶状物形成与分解实验、胶状物形成机理研究实验,明确了长链羧酸与钠离子是导致胶状堵塞物形成的关键组分,提出了胶状堵塞物形成机理:脱硫溶液中的C12及C12以上的长链羧酸钠形成胶束后,胶束的相对分子质量达到10 000以上,胶束间的吸引力足够大而相互连接;另一方面,长链羧酸钠部分电离使胶束表面带负电,各胶束因带相同电荷而相互排斥。当胶束间排斥力与吸引力达到平衡时,胶束不再自由运动,被束缚在相对固定的位置,形成立体三维网状结构将水溶液包住使其失去流动性,呈半固体状。 
关键词:  天然气  净化装置  胶状堵塞物  形成原因  机理 
Formation causes and mechanisms study of jelly blockages in natural gas purification units
Yan Xiaoqin1, He Peidong2, He Jinlong1, Zheng Bin3, Li Fuyuan4, Tang Xi2, Tu Chenyuan1
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;2.Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 401220, China;3.Development Department, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610051, Sichuan, China;4.Central Sichuan Oil & Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Suining 629000, Sichuan, China
It is a difficult problem in natural gas purification process that jelly blockages affect the normal operation of units. In order to solve the problem, a study on the formation causes of jelly blockages was carried out. Through the determination of jelly blockage composition, the experiments of jelly formation and decomposition, and the research experiments of jelly formation mechanism, it was concluded that long chain carboxylic acids and sodium ions are the key components of the formation of jelly blockages. The formation mechanism of jelly blockages was put forward:After the long-chain carboxylic acid sodium salts having carbon number of 12 or more than 12 in the desulfurization solution form micelles, the relative molecular mass of micelles is more than 10 000, so the Van der Waals forces between them are large enough to connect them one by one. On the other hand, the long-chain carboxylic acid sodium salts are partially ionized, thus the outer surface of micelle is negatively charged. As these micelles are all negatively charged, they repel each other. When the repulsive forces and attractive forces between the micelles reached balance, the micelles could no longer move freely and were bounded at certain positions to form a three-dimensional net-like structure. The aqueous solution was wrapped in this structure and loss its flow ability, and exhibited a semi solid state.
Key words:  natural gas  purification unit  jelly blockages  formation causes  mechanism