引用本文:刘文广,解辉,刘朝. Claus硫磺回收装置再热炉流动燃烧模拟研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 590-594.
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刘文广1, 解辉2,3, 刘朝2,3
在Claus硫磺回收工艺生产过程中,由于受到各种因素的影响,再热炉内存在局部超温现象,导致衬里烧损垮塌,带来安全生产问题。采用数值模拟的方法对H-1402(1-6)-H01型再热炉的炉内流动燃烧过程进行了研究,利用FLUENT软件建立了物理和数学模型,分别模拟在通入4种不同流量保护风的工况下,保护风对炉内速度场和温度场的影响,找出炉内速度场、温度场及炉壁面的温度场分布。研究表明,合适的保护风量能够有效地将壁面温度控制在一定范围内,防止炉内局部超温,保证设备的安全可靠运行,并对再热炉及配套燃烧器的结构设计起到指导作用。 
关键词:  Claus工艺  再热炉  数值模拟  保护风 
Simulation study of the flow and combustion in the reheating furnace of Claus sulfur recovery unit
Liu Wenguang1, Xie Hui2,3, Liu Chao2,3
1.China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd.Southwest Company, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China;2.Key Laboratory of Low-grade Energy Utilization Technologies and Systems of Ministry of Education, Chongqing 400030, China;3.College of Power Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China
Due to the influence of various factors, there exists the local overheating phenomenon in the reheating furnace, which would cause the lining burned to collapse during the Claus production process. The flow and combustion process in the reheating furnace of H-1402(1-6)-H01 were researched with the numerical simulation method. Using FLUENT software, the physical and mathematical models were established to simulate the influence of protection wind on velocity field and temperature field in the reheater under the conditions of four different flow rates of protect wind, and found out the velocity field and temperature field in the reheating furnace and the temperature field distribution of furnace wall. The results showed that an appropriate amount of protection wind could effectively control the wall temperature within a certain range, prevent the furnace from local overheating, ensure the safe and reliable operation of the equipments, and play a guide role in the structure design of reheating furnace and the affiliated burner.
Key words:  Claus process  reheating furnace  numerical simulation  protection wind