引用本文:崔新亭,张钊. 30×104 m3LNG冷箱跑冷损失的计算[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 630-633.
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30×104 m3LNG冷箱跑冷损失的计算
崔新亭1, 张钊2
采用类比法、数学模型法、有限元法三种方法对30×104 m3 LNG冷箱的跑冷损失进行计算,并对计算结果进行了比较。经过比较,利用与空分设备类比的计算方法,计算LNG冷箱的跑冷损失,可以得到可靠的结果,这也与两者的工作温度接近的事实相符。 
关键词:  LNG冷箱  跑冷损失  类比法  数学模型法  有限元法 
Calculation of the cold loss of 300×103 m3 LNG cold box
Cui Xinting1, Zhang Zhao2
1.ZOKO Energy Equipment Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310051, Zhejiang, China;2.Institute of Refrigeration Technology, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
Based on three methods of analogy, mathematical models and finite element methods, the cold loss of 300 ×103 m3 LNG cold box were calculated and the results were compared. The results of comparison showed that the cold loss of LNG cold box could be calculated reliably by the analogy with Air Separation Plant (ASP). The fact that the cold boxes of LNG and ASP have the almost same operating temperature is gotten.
Key words:  LNG cold box  cold loss  analogy  mathematical models  finite element method (FEM)