引用本文:严忠,屈静,胡君,再拉甫·吾不艾山,罗秉瑞. 新疆油田注水水质稳定控制技术应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 693-699.
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严忠1, 屈静1, 胡君1, 再拉甫·吾不艾山1, 罗秉瑞2
新疆油田部分区块由于采出水水质存在不稳定因素,加之配套处理工艺无法有效解决现有的问题,往往导致井口注水水质无法长期稳定达标。通过室内研究分析,长输管网的二次污染和外输水水质本身存在不稳定性,水中还有易氧化的还原性离子和存在较严重的碳酸盐自结垢趋势,是影响井口注水水质稳定性的关键因素。经优化筛选,确定了结垢控制技术、电解杀菌技术、空气氧化技术的应对措施,分别研制开发出对路的处理工艺和配套的新型药剂配方体系,为新疆油田长期稳定注水从而提高油田注水开发效果提供了技术保障。 
关键词:  新疆油田  注水水质  细菌  结垢  水质稳定技术 
Application of stability control technology of injection water quality in Xinjiang Oilfield
Yan Zhong1, Qu Jing1, Hu Jun1, Zailafu·Wubuaishan1, Luo Bingrui2
1.Research Institute of Experiment and Detection of Xinjiang Oilfield Company,PetroChina, Xingjiang 834000,China;2.Engineering Technology Research Institute of Xinjiang Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Xingjiang 834000,China
Due to the harmful and instable produced water from some blocks of Xinjiang Oilfield, combined with matching process can not effectively solve the existing problems, the quality of injection water at wellhead can not be stable up to standard for a long time. By laboratory research and analysis, the key factors influencing injection water quality stability are water secondary pollution in long-distance pipeline network, inherent instability of the outer water, easily oxidized reducing ions in water, as well as serious carbonate scaling trend. After optimal screening, the response fouling control technology, electrolytic disinfection technology, air oxidation technology are determined, the right treatment process and supporting new pharmaceutical formulation system are developed, which provide technical support for long-term water injection stability of Xinjiang Oilfield and improve the effect of oil field water-flooding.
Key words:  Xinjiang Oilfield  quality of injection water  bacterial  scaling  stabilization technology of water quality