引用本文:林婷,魏文韫,刘凌,岭余徽. 磷石膏、NH3联合矿化天然气净化厂尾气中CO2的流程模拟[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 12-16.
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针对CCUS新工艺——磷石膏、NH3联合矿化天然气净化厂排放尾气中CO2,应用流程模拟方法,在物性估算、模型建立的基础上,对磷石膏矿化CO2反应的工艺条件进行了优化,提出反应温度为60 ℃、反应时间为100 min的优化方案。对比优化后工艺条件与现有工艺条件的模拟结果可知,优化后尾气中CO2、NH3、磷石膏排放量比现有工艺排放量均减少3%以上。以降低工程能耗为优化目标,通过对全流程进行换热网络的设计,可使热公用工程能耗降低15%,冷公用工程能耗降低5.6%。
关键词:  磷石膏  NH3  天然气净化厂  CO2  流程模拟  换热网络
基金项目:国家国际科技合作专项资助“工业尾气PM2.5 减排与废水循环利用技术合作研究”(2014DFG92250)。
Mineralization process simulation of CO2 in tail gas of natural gas purification plant by phosphor gypsum combined with ammonia
Lin Ting, Wei Wenyun, Liu Lingling, Yu Hui
(School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China)
Using CCUS new technology of phosphor gypsum, ammonia combined mineralizing CO2 in tail gas of natural gas purification plant, and based on estimation of physical parameters and model establishment, the process conditions for making use of the phosphorus gypsum mineralization of CO2 were optimized with process simulation method. It proposed the optimized reaction temperature was 60 ℃, and the reaction time was 100 minutes. Compared the simulation results of optimized process conditions with the existing technology conditions, it was concluded that the exhaust gas of CO2, NH3, phosphor gypsum emissions were reduced by more than 3% compared with the existing process emissions. Aimed at the optimization goal of reducing the energy consumption, the heat exchange network design of whole process can reduce the energy consumption of hot utility by 15% and that of cold utility by 5.6%, respectively.
Key words:  phosphor gypsum  ammonia  natural gas purification plant  CO2  process simulation  heat exchanger network