引用本文:李娜,张雪,宋大庆. SIL分析技术在炼化企业在役装置上的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 103-106.
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1.中国石油安全环保技术研究院;2. 中国石油广东石化公司
关键词:  在役装置  独立保护层(LOPA)  安全仪表系统(SIS)  安全完整性等级(SIL)  定级  验算
Application of SIL analysis techniques in in-service device of petrochemical enterprises
Li Na1, Zhang Xue1, Song Daqing2
(1.CNPC Research Institute of Safety & Environment Technology, Beijing 102206, China;2.PetroChina Guangdong Petrochemical Company, Jieyang 515200, China)
Hazard and operability analysis (HAZOP) method, as a qualitative hazard analysis method, is difficult to quantify the residual risk. On the basis of that, safety integrity level (SIL) analysis techniques are introduced and briefly described, which include the safety instrumented system (SIS), SIL, and the two steps of SIL analysis:SIL classification and SIL verification. Then, three methods, such as risk matrix, risk map and layers of protection analysis (LOPA), of SIL classification are introduced, as well as the key points of SIL verification. Besides, choosing an interlocking system of in-service device, the process of SIL classification and SIL verification are carried out by examples, and the final results are analyzed. In the end, the article combed the precautions of carrying out the SIL analysis.
Key words:  in-service device  layers of protection analysis (LOPA)  safety instrumented system (SIS)  safety integrity level (SIL)  classification  verification