引用本文:杨琳,田家林,杨志,任连城,赵芸,刘刚,等. 水力旋流器内组合涡运动的量化研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(2): 6-13.
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1.西南石油大学机电工程学院;2.西南交通大学机械工程学院 ;3.重庆科技学院机械与动力工程学院;4.中国石油集团川庆钻探工程有限公司物资管理部
为了深入分析旋流分离技术基础理论的机理,采用CFD技术的雷诺应力湍流模型,对旋流器内部流场关键特征参数进行三维数值模拟并验证其正确性,与相关报道的相对误差均在5%以内。在此基础上采用统计平均法对关键区域参数数据进行统计平均处理,相关数据和分布曲线表明,流场可划分为组合涡运动(包括强制涡、准自由涡)及边界层两大区域,得出其相应的运动特性,并量化出每个区域对应的半径位置;分析同时得出重要结论:组合涡运动指数(n)在流场中不是原有理论认为的一个常数,而是分两段与其沿半径具体位置(r)相关的函数,并根据数据线性回归给出定量经验公式。通过与原有理论计算及相关报道的对比分析,验证了上述经验公式的正确性,进一步完善了原有的流场基础理论,对指导旋流器的设计计算具有实际应用意义。 
关键词:  旋流分离器  流场  CFD  统计平均方法  组合涡指数  经验公式 
Quantitative research of combination vortex motion in hydrocyclone
Yang Lin1, Tian Jialin1,2, Yang Zhi1, Ren Liancheng3, Zhao Yun4, Liu Gang1, Yuan Changfu1
(1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China;3. Chongqing University of Science & Technology, Chongqing 401331, China;4. Material Management Department, CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Ltd, Chengdu 610051, China)
In order to further promote mechanism study on the basic theory of hydrocyclone separation technology, using the Reynolds stress turbulence model in CFD, three-dimensional value simulation on the key characteristic parameters of internal flow field of hydrocyclone was carried on, and the correctness was verified. The relative errors are all within 5% compared with the related reports. On this basis, the statistical average method was used to deal with the data of key regional parameters by statistical average processing. The related data and distribution curves show that the fluid can be divided into the combination vortex motion (including the forced vortex, quasi-free vortex) and boundary layer, and the corresponding motion characteristics were obtained and the position of corresponding radius in each zone was quantified. The important conclusions were also drawn by analyzing that combination vortex motion index n is not a constant of the original theory in the flow field, but is a related function of two segments along the specific location of the radius r. The quantitative empirical formulas were given according to data linear regression. Compared with the calculation of original theory and contrast analysis of related reports, the correctness of the empirical formulas was verified, which further improves the original basic theory of flow field and also provides a new way for the simulation study of flow field.
Key words:  hydrocyclone  flow field  CFD  statistical average method  combination vortex index  experience formula