引用本文:马国光,高俊,魏向东,李晋. 基于混合冷剂外冷的分输站压差液化天然气研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(2): 54-59.
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1.“油气藏地质及开发工程”国家重点实验室·西南石油大学 ;2.中石油东部管道有限公司南昌管理处
为了提高利用分输站压差制冷液化天然气工艺的液化率,该工艺增加了混合冷剂外冷,其液化流程可分为膨胀前预冷液化天然气流程和膨胀后外冷液化天然气流程。对两种工艺流程建立最大年均利润总额目标函数,并对其自由度敏感性进行分析。通过实例分析计算得出,分输站利用压差液化天然气工艺采用膨胀前预冷比膨胀后外冷经济效益更高。 
关键词:  分输站  混合冷剂  LNG  膨胀  经济效益 
Research of utilizing gas pressure energy of gas-distributing station to liquefy natural gas based on the cold energy of MRC
Ma Guoguang1, Gao Jun1, Wei Xiangdong2,Li Jin2
(1. State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. Nanchang Department, PetroChina East Pipeline Company, Nanchang 330000, China)
In order to improve the liquefied rate of utilizing gas pressure energy of gas-distributing station to liquefy natural gas, the mixed refrigerant cycle(MRC) was increased in the process. The natural gas liquefaction processes include pre-cooling of LNG before expander and external cooling after expander. The objective function of the max annual average total profit is established to analyze the effect of degrees sensitivity on the max annual average total profit of two liquefaction processes. The results of analysis and calculation indicate that MRC before the expander process can realize higher economic benefit than MRC after the expander.
Key words:  gas-distributing station  mixed refrigerant  LNG  expansion  economic benefit