引用本文:黄金刚,周佳强,陈宁宁. 催化蒸馏技术在汽油醚化装置的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(2): 65-69.
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介绍了催化蒸馏技术在40×104 t/a汽油醚化装置中的应用情况。结果 表明,汽油醚化装置运行稳定,加氢后的催化汽油蒸汽压由68 kPa降至56 kPa,轻汽油研究法辛烷值提高约1.33个单位,轻汽油烯烃含量降低了15.71%(φ),效果比较显著,经济效益提升明显;C5叔碳烯烃平均转化率达到95.13%,C6叔碳烯烃平均转化率达到52.28%;醚化效果明显。催化剂在40 ℃就能够催化醚化反应,且具有较高的转化率;催化剂较高的低温活性,有利于催化剂寿命的延长。醚化轻汽油中甲醇含量控制在0.18%(w)左右,可以通过优化进一步提高醚化汽油中的甲醇含量,达到效益最大化。通过催化蒸馏技术,使醚化反应器出口转化率由69.39%提高到了93.71%;甲醇消耗为90.9 kg甲醇/t轻汽油;装置能耗为833.5×104 kJ/t(19.94 kgEo/t)轻汽油,远低于设计值;废水排放少,符合催化蒸馏技术的特点。 
关键词:  醚化  催化蒸馏技术  反应  能耗 
Application of catalytic distillation technology in gasoline etherification unit
Huang Jingang, Zhou Jiaqiang, Chen Ningning
(PetroChina Ningxia Petrochemical Company, Yinchuan 750021, China)
This paper introduced the application of catalytic distillation technology in 40×104 t/a gasoline etherification unit. The results show that the etherification installation is suitable for gasoline etherification unit. The vapor pressure of the mixed gasoline dropped from 68 kPa to 56 kPa. The octane number of light gasoline increases by 1.33 units, and the olefin content in light gasoline reduces by 15.71%. The increase of the economic benefit is significant. The average conversion rate of C5 and C6 tertiary carbonic olefins reached 95.13% and 52.28%, respectively. The etherification effect is remarkable. The catalyst can catalyze the etherification reaction at 40 ℃, and has a better conversion rate. The higher activity of the catalyst at low temperature is beneficial to prolonging the service life of the catalyst. The methanol content in etherified light gasoline should be controlled at about 0.18%, which can be further improved by optimizing the etherification to make the benefit maximum. The outlet conversion rate of etherification reactor was increased from 69.39% to 93.71% with catalytic distillation technology. The methanol consumption of per ton light gasoline is 90.9 kg. The energy consumption of per ton light gasoline is 19.94 kg standard oil, which is far lower than the designed value. In addition, the waste water discharge of unit is less than designed value, which is in accordance with the characteristics of catalytic distillation technology.
Key words:  etherification  catalytic distillation technology  reaction  energy consumption