引用本文:刘美遥,李海涛,谢崇文,张雨婷,高建崇,刘义刚. JX1-1油田沙河街储层注入水与储层配伍性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(2): 86-90.
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针对JX1-1油田注水井出现注水阻抗明显上升,吸水能力递减快的问题,进行了储层敏感性实验研究、注入水和地层水静态和动态配伍性研究,注入水(固相颗粒、悬浮油)单独和共同作用与储层的动态配伍性实验研究。实验结果表明,水敏性中等偏强是储层欠注内在因素;清污混合回注过程中结钙质垢也是损害储层的因素之一。另外,一关键因素是注水水质中悬浮物质含量超标对吸水层造成的伤害,建议控制JX1-1油田沙河街储层注入水指标为:ρ(油)≤10 mg/L;ρ(悬浮物)≤3 mg/L;悬浮物颗粒粒径中值d≤3 μm。 
关键词:  配伍性  结垢  敏感性实验  水质控制指标  固相颗粒  悬浮油 
基金项目:中国海洋石油(中国)有限公司“中国近海低孔低渗油气藏勘探开发关键技术与实践”(CNOOC-SY-001) ;“低渗透油田注水水质综合评价与注水剖面均衡控制研究”(CCL2012TJPZTS0380)。
Study on compatibility of injected water with reservoir at Shahejie formation in JX1-1 Oilfield
Liu Meiyao1, Li Haitao1, Xie Chongwen2, Zhang Yuting2,Gao Jianchong3, Liu Yigang3
(1.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610051, China;3.Tianjin Branch of CNOOC China Limited, Tianjin 300452, China)
Focusing on the problem of flooding resistance rising obviously and water injection capacity declining quickly during the water flooding development in JX1-1, a series of concerned experiments were carried out, such as formation sensitivity analysis, the static and dynamic compatibility analysis of injected water and formation water, dynamic compatibility evaluation of injected water (solid particles, suspended oil) with formation individually and collectively.The experimental results show that the strong water sensitivity is an internal factor, calcium scale is one factor of reservoir damage during mixed water reinjection, and another key factor is the excessive content of suspended material in water injection. It is suggested that injected water quality control indicators of Shahejie formation in JX1-1 Oilfield are as follows:suspended oil content ≤10 mg/L; suspended particle content ≤3 mg/L; and suspended particle size median d≤3 μm.
Key words:  compatibility  scaling  sensitivity experiment  injected water quality control indicator  solid particle  suspended oil