引用本文:薛青松,薛腾,王一萌. 模块化阀柱多维色谱系统用于分析炼厂气的技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(2): 105-109.
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在调研了应用于测定复杂气体组分的6个阀柱模块及其等价关系的基础上,概括归纳了常用的7个以阀柱模块为基础的测定炼厂气特定组分的分析通道和18种测定炼厂气组分的多维气相色谱系统,并按色谱柱数量将其分为4柱、5柱、6柱及7柱系统,讨论了其优缺点及互变规律。调研发现,阀柱模块中两个六通阀可同一个十通阀互换,多维气相色谱系统创建的一般过程为:设计阀柱模块——搭配分析通道——组建色谱系统,多维气相色谱系统完成相同的分析任务仅与柱的数量有关,同阀的数量无直接对应关系。 
关键词:  阀柱模块  气相色谱  炼厂气分析  分析通道 
分类号:TQ 016.5+1
Application of multi-dimentional gas chromatography with valve-column module in refinery gas analysis
Xue Qingsong, Xue Teng, Wang Yimeng
(Shanghai Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry and Chemical Process, School of Chemistry and Molecular engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)
The concept of valve-column module used to create the multi-dimensional gas chromatography was proposed on the basis of investigation of the references of refinery gas analysis and the modern chromatography technique. At first, six basic valve-column modules applied for complex gas analysis were described in detail. Seven channels used to analyze the specific components of refinery gas were listed, which were composed of one or more of the aforementioned valve-column modules. Eighteen kinds of multi-dimensional gas chromatography were induced with parts of those channels. And they were sorted into four columns, five columns, six columns and seven columns according to the number of columns. The advantages and disadvantages and the exchange law were discussed in more details. It was found that two six-way valves and one ten-way valve were equal entirely in valve-column module. The valve-column module had to be designed firstly, and then the analysis channel was built for creation of multi-dimensional gas chromatography system. It was only related to the number of columns, no direct relationship with the number of valves for completing the same analysis task.
Key words:  valve-column module  gas chromatography  refinery gas analysis  analysis channel