引用本文:黄亮亮,姚安林,祁云清,范小霞. 基于云模型的石化企业应急成熟度评价方法[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(2): 118-122.
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针对石化企业应急能力评价过程中随机性与模糊性并存的问题,提出一种基于云模型的综合评价方法。首先,从危机管理的PPRR模型出发建立了石化企业应急成熟度评价指标体系;其次,分别采用逆向云发生器和CRITIC法计算指标的评价云和权重值;最后,通过浮动云和综合云算法实现应急成熟度的综合评价。实例分析表明,该方法能够揭示评价因子与评价过程内在的不确定性,评价结果直观、符合实际,便于实现专家的群体决策。 
关键词:  石化企业  应急能力  成熟度  云模型  CRITIC法 
Emergency maturity assessment method of petrochemical enterprises based on cloud model
Huang Liangliang1, Yao Anlin1, Qi Yunqing1, Fan Xiaoxia2
(1. College of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,China;2. Sichuan CHIDU Building Engineering Construction Design Company,Chengdu 610500,China)
A comprehensive assessment method based on cloud model theory is proposed in order to deal with the problem of fuzziness and randomness in the process of emergency capacity assessment of petrochemical enterprises. Firstly, starting from PPRR(prevention, preparation, response and recovery) model of crisis management, assessment indicator system of emergency maturity in petrochemical enterprises was established; then, cloud model and weight value of indexes were obtained through backward cloud generator and CRITIC(criteria importance through intercriteria correlation) method; finally, comprehensive assessment of emergency maturity was accomplished by floating and comprehensive cloud algorithms. The results show that this method can reveal inherent uncertainty of assessment process and indexes, and the evaluation results are intuitive and practical, so as to achieve group decision-making easily.
Key words:  petrochemical enterprise  emergency capacity  maturity  cloud model  CRITIC method