引用本文:汪本武,刘平礼,张璐,兰夕堂,赵立强,李年银. 一种单步法在线酸化酸液体系研究及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(3): 79-83.
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目前,注水井酸化主要采用常规酸化模式,但常规酸化存在酸化作业时间长、作业程序复杂、作业环境要求高、动复原复杂和协调难度大等问题。针对这些问题,提出一种单步法在线酸化技术。该技术的核心是采用一种高效酸液体系代替常规酸化三段式液体,实现“以一代三”功效。因此,开展了新一代单步法酸液体系—G智能复合酸液体系的研究,主要包括酸液体系与注入水、采出水配伍性、抑制沉淀、缓速、缓蚀性能、酸化流动效果评价及微观分析。结果 表明,G-智能复合酸液能够满足单步酸液体系的性能要求,酸液体系与注入水最优混配体积比在1∶2~1∶8。微观电镜分析表明,酸液不会破坏岩石骨架。将该酸液体系应用于渤海油田B4注水井在线单步法酸化,酸化后该井的视吸水指数大幅度升高,降压增注效果显著。
关键词:  注水井  单步  酸化  酸液体系  微观分析 
Research and application of a single step online acidification acid system
Wang Benwu1, Liu Pingli2, Zhang Lu1, Lan Xitang1, Zhao Liqiang2, Li Nianyin2
(1.Tianjin Branch, CNOOC(China) CO., Led, Tianjin, Tanggu 300450, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China)
At present, conventional acidification is the main pattern for injection wells. However, there are some problems existing in conventional acidification operation for several times, such as large equipment footprint, long operation time, difficult in treatment coordination and negative impact on water injection and production caused by repetitive acidizing. To solve these problems, a single step online acidification technology was proposed. The core of the technology is using a single kind of acid which has efficient ability to replace the three-step conventional acid. Thus, a series of research on new single step acid system (G intelligent integrated acid) were carried out, mainly including compatibility performance with injected water and produced water, precipitation inhibition, slow reaction, corrosion inhibition, effect evaluation of acidification and microscopic analysis. The results show that G intelligent integrated acid could meet the performance requirement of the single step acid system, the optimal mixed proportion with injected water is 1∶2~1∶8. SEM analysis indicated that acid could not destroy the rock skeleton, and energy spectrum analysis result showed that acid could efficiently chelate metal ion. G intelligent integrated acid system has been applied in B4 water injection wells in Bohai Oilfield for online single step acidizing and the technology increased water injectivity index significantly of B4 well, effect of reducing injection pressure and enhancing productivity is remarkable..
Key words:  water injection well  single step  acidizing  acid system  microscopic analysis