引用本文:罗钦,赵煜晖,廖柯熹,向方倩,周东. SLAB View软件在含硫天然气井井喷泄漏扩散模拟中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(3): 129-132.
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SLAB View软件在含硫天然气井井喷泄漏扩散模拟中的应用
介绍了SLAB重气泄漏扩散模型,并运用SLAB View软件模拟了某含硫气井发生井喷事故H2S云团的扩散过程和危害区域,得出了H2S云团在指定浓度平均时间下的影响范围,以及指定浓度H2S云团出现在最远距离的时间和最远下风向扩散距离。结果 表明,SLAB View软件能方便、快速地模拟平坦地形下含硫天然气井喷泄漏扩散过程,预测事故泄漏扩散后果和影响范围。 
关键词:  SLAB模型  井喷  H2S云团  扩散距离 
Use of SLAB View for simulation of natural gas diffusion in blowouts of sour gas well
Luo Qin1,2, Zhao Yuhui3, Liao Kexi2, Xiang Fangqian3, Zhou Dong1
(1. Safety, Environment and Technology Supervision Research Institute, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610041, China;2. Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;3. PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610051, China)
This paper describes the SLAB heavy gas dispersion modeling and uses SLAB View to simulate the H2S diffusion process and hazardous areas in a sour gas well blowouts. It identifies the influence range of H2S cloud cluster at specified concentration averaging time, the time when the H2S cloud cluster of specified concentration reaches the furthest distance, and the furthest diffuse distance in wind direction. The comparison shows that SLAB View offers an easier and faster option to simulate leakage and diffusion process during sour gas well blowouts on flat terrains, and therefore it is a useful tool for the prediction of the diffusion consequence and influence range.
Key words:  SLAB model  blowout  H2S cloud cluster  diffuse distance