引用本文:胡超,师铜墙,杨光远,刘庆胜,韩猛. LNG接收站发热量调整方案研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(4): 50-53.
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为实现LNG接收站外输气与山东省天然气管网的燃气互换,提出了采用注入液氮的方式进行发热量调整。通过对比分析,将注氮口设计在高压外输泵出口管线上,该方案与加注氮气方式相比成本更低、功耗更小;然后采用PROII分别模拟计算出3种限制工况下燃气的高位发热量与沃泊指数,确定高压泵出口管道液氮注入比例范围为6.45~7.52 t LN2 / 100 t LNG;最后,以接收站年外输量100×104 t为基础,给出了整个发热量调整方案需新增的主要设备及其相关参数。可为LNG接收站发热量调整方案的设计提供借鉴与参考。 
关键词:  LNG接收站  发热量调整  注氮  沃泊指数 
Study on strategies of calorific value adjustment in the LNG terminal
Hu Chao, Shi Tongqiang,Yang Guangyuan,Liu Qingsheng,Han Meng
(Sinopec Qingdao LNG Co.,Ltd, Qingdao 266400, China)
To achieve the exchange between LNG terminal transmission gas and natural gas pipeline network in Shandong Province, injection of liquid nitrogen is proposed to adjust the calorific value. Through comparative analysis, the nitrogen injection port is designed on the outlet pipeline of high-pressure pump, and compared with injection of nitrogen gas, injection of liquid nitrogen has lower cost and less power consumption. High calorific values and Wobbe index under three limiting conditions are calculated by PROII simulation to determine that the ratio range of liquid nitrogen injection is from 6.45 to 67.52 t LN2/100 t LNG on the outlet pipeline of high-pressure pump. Finally, the addition of major equipment and related parameters under the demand of the whole adjustment strategies are given based on the one million tons output amount of the LNG terminal. It can provide references and samples for the design of calorific value adjustment strategy in other LNG terminals.
Key words:  LNG terminal  calorific value adjustment  nitrogen injection  Wobbe index