引用本文:刘友权,陈鹏飞,吴文刚,张倩,张亚东,谢冰,等. 页岩气藏“工厂化”作业压裂液技术研究——以CNH3井组“工厂化”作业为例[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(4): 65-68.
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工厂化”作业是页岩气藏效益开发的必然要求,针对“工厂化”作业的要求,形成了可满足“工厂化”作业的滑溜水配方。采用低相对分子质量、低黏乳液降阻剂,降阻率73%~78%,溶解时间小于30 s,满足高排量、连续混配要求;采用高效杀菌剂,对硫酸盐还原菌杀菌率达100%,有效地降低了细菌对储层和生产设备的伤害,返排液经简单沉降后可重复使用。CNH3井组“工厂化”作业现场试验表明,滑溜水降阻率76.2%~78.7%,返排率12.16%~14.30%,累计增加井口测试产量20.95×104 m3/d。 
关键词:  页岩  工厂化  滑溜水  井组  体积压裂 
Technology research of the fracturing fluid for shale gas reservoir as “factory” fracturing:An example of the CNH3 well group “factory” fracturing
Liu Youquan1,Chen Pengfei1,Wu Wengang1,Zhang Qian1, Zhang Yadong1, Xiebing2, Long Shunmin1
(1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, China;2.Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China)
Factory” fracturing is the necessary requirement of benefit development in shale gas reservoir, according to the “factory” fracturing requirement, forming a slick water formulation which could meet the request of “factory” fracturing:low molecular weight, low viscosity emulsion friction reducing agent, friction reducing rate is 73%-78%, the dissolution time is less than 30 s, it could meet the high displacement, continuous mixing requirement; and using efficient bactericide, bactericidal rate of sulphate reducing bacteria is 100%, it could effectively reduce the damage to reservoir and production equipment; flowback fluid can be used repeatedly after simple treatment. CNH3 well group field test showed that the friction reduction rate is from 76.2% to 78.7% of slick water; the flowback rate is from 12.16% to 14.30%, the cumulative test production reached 20.95× 104 m3/d.
Key words:  shale  factory  slick water  well group  volume fracturing