引用本文:何坤忆,罗米娜,钟尧,秦紫薇. 一种疏水缔合聚合物稠化剂的合成及压裂液性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(4): 93-96.
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以AM、AMPS和阳离子疏水单体MD-18为单体,采用水溶液自由基聚合法合成了疏水缔合聚合物压裂液稠化剂HAPAM-18。研究了HAPAM-18的增黏性能、与表面活性剂的相互作用以及压裂液体系的相关性能。结果 表明,HAPAM-18的表观黏度随质量浓度增加而增大,临界缔合浓度为0.15 g/L;HAPAM-18与表面活性剂的相互作用符合三阶段模型,且SDBS与HAPAM-18的相互作用强于CTAB;ρ(HAPAM-18)0.6 g/L + c(SDBS)0.5 mmol/L+ρ(KCl)2 g/L配制的压裂液体系的耐温性能达到101 ℃。耐剪切性实验和动态频率扫描表明,该压裂液体系具有良好的耐剪切性和黏弹性;过硫酸铵能使压裂液彻底破胶,破胶液残渣含量低至未检出,该压裂液是一种清洁压裂液。 
关键词:  疏水缔合聚合物  稠化剂  表面活性剂  清洁压裂液 
Synthesis of a hydrophobically associating polymer thickening agent and evaluation of the fracturing fluid properties
He Kunyi, Luo Mina, Zhong Yao, Qin Ziwei
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China)
A hydrophobically associating polymer thickening agent HAPAM-18 for fracturing fluid was synthesized by the aqueous solution free-radical copolymerization of AM, AMPS and a cationic hydrophobic monomer MD-18. The thickening ability and interactions with surfactant of HMPAM-18 were studied as well as the fracturing fluid properties. Result shows that the apparent viscosity of HAMPAM-18 solution increased with increasing concentration and its critical aggregation concentration is 0.15 g/L. The interactions between HAPAM-18 and surfactants fitted the three stage model and the interactions between HAPAM-18 and SDBS is more intensive than that with CTAB. The fracturing fluid system composed of 0.6 g/L HAPAM-18 + 0.5 mmol/L SDBS + 2 g/L KCl reached a temperature resistance of 101 ℃ and showed good shear resistance and viscoelasticity. The fracturing fluid system can be completely broken with unmeasurable insoluble residuals by ammonium persulfate as the gel-breaker which means this system can be taken as clean fracturing fluid.
Key words:  hydrophobic associating polymer  thickening agent  surfactant  clean fracturing fluid