引用本文:李秀强,李林,叶晓明,王瑛. 催化裂化轻汽油醚化装置大处理量工业试生产[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(5): 42-45.
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为解决催化裂化轻汽油醚化装置不能完全加工上游催化汽油加氢装置生产的轻汽油的问题,以提高炼厂经济效益,实现公司效益最大化,提出了催化裂化轻汽油醚化装置大处理量工业生产,装置处理量由设计处理量的60 t/h提高至70 t/h以上。通过一个月的工业试生产,与装置标定期间相比:醇烯物质的量比下降0.17,空速增大0.24 h-1,第一、二醚化反应器入口温度分别提高10.9 ℃、13.2 ℃,醚化分馏塔塔底温度降低3.4 ℃,其他工艺参数与标定时相当;醚化汽油辛烷值达到99.2,装置能耗下降3.24×105 kJ/t;醚化汽油收率增加3.53%;装置运行平稳,产品质量满足汽油调和要求,年增加经济效益2 688万元。 
关键词:  催化裂化轻汽油  醚化装置  大处理量  辛烷值  收率 
Trial production of FCC light gasoline etherification unit with large processing capacity
Li Xiuqiang, Li Lin, Ye Xiaoming, Wang Ying
(Oil Refinery of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company of PetroChina, Lanzhou 730060, China)
In order to solve the problem that the FCC light gasoline from FCC gasoline hydrogenation unit was not refined completely by FCC light gasoline etherification unit, the trial production of FCC light gasoline etherification unit with large processing capacity was presented to increase the economic benefit of refinery and gain more benefits to our company. The processing capacity of FCC light gasoline etherification unit was raised from 60 t/h to over 70 t/h, through one month trial production, compared with the calibration data,the results showed that molar ratio of methanol/tert-olefins decreased by 0.17, space velocity increased by 0.24 h-1, inlet temperature of first and second etherification reactor increased by 10.9 ℃ and 13.2 ℃ respectively, column bottom temperature of etherification fractionator decreased by 3.4 ℃, and other process parameters were almost the same with calibration data; the RON for etherifying gasoline reached 99.2, the unit energy consumption decreased 3.24×105 kJ/t, and the yield of etherifying gasoline increased by 3.53%. The unit is stable in operation, the etherifying gasoline quality meet the blending requirement, and the economic benefit increase 26.88 million yuan annually.
Key words:  FCC light gasoline  etherification unit  large processing capacity  RON  yield