引用本文:梁羽,贺三,林林,王赟,邹永莉,袁宗明. 乙二醇溶液中高溶解度盐脱除工艺模拟[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(5): 77-81.
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深水天然气田开发中,常用乙二醇作为水合物抑制剂。由于深水气田的采出水中含有大量的盐,常规的乙二醇再生回收系统在处理高含盐的乙二醇富液时,将产生结垢问题。这将对海上平台的生产系统带来严重影响,甚至可能导致平台停产。因此,深水气田开发时需在乙二醇溶液再生回收的同时将其中的盐脱除。针对乙二醇再生脱盐回收系统中的高溶解度盐脱除系统部分,利用Aspen Plus建立了其核心工艺流程,并模拟和分析了乙二醇脱高溶解度盐系统中循环温度、循环流量、原料含水率等因素对系统工艺的影响规律。结果 表明,针对本文的实例,在工程上采用0.15 MPa的闪蒸压力(绝压),141~145 ℃的循环加热温度,循环流量是进料物流流量的60倍是可行的。 
关键词:  深水  乙二醇再生  脱盐  Aspen Plus  工艺模拟 
Process simulation of high solubility salt removal from ethylene glycol solution
Liang Yu1,2, He San2, Lin Lin1, Wang Yun2, Zou Yongli2, Yuan Zongming2
(1. CNOOC Deepwater Development Ltd, Tianjin 518067, China;2. Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China)
In the development of deepwater gas field, ethylene glycol is commonly used as hydrate inhibitor. Large amounts of salt contained in produced water caused scaling in the treatment of rich glycol liquid with high salt in common ethylene glycol regeneration system,which has serious impact to the offshore production system, even lead to suspend production. Therefore, the process of salt removal from ethylene glycol is supposed to be one part of ethylene glycol regeneration system for deepwater gas production. Models of the process of high solubility salt removal from ethylene glycol have been developed in process simulation program Aspen Plus, through which the effect of recycle temperature, ethylene glycol recycle flow rate, and water content of ethylene glycol on the salt removal process have been simulated and analyzed. The results showed that the salt removal process made a good performance with appropriate process parameters such as the flash pressure(absolute) of 0.15 MPa, the recycle heated temperature of 141~145 ℃, and the recycle flow rate is 60 times of the feed rate.
Key words:  deepwater  ethylene glycol regeneration  desalt  Aspen Plus  process simulation