引用本文:孙艳朋,谢金超,宝金昕. 连续重整国产技术和IFP技术比较分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(6): 10-16.
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对国产连续重整技术和IFP技术在原料性质、反应操作参数、产品质量、催化剂再生工艺、催化剂循环流程、再生气脱氯技术、安全环保及技术经济等方面进行了比较分析。结果 表明,国产技术原料组成较轻,反应温度和空速低,LPG产率高,能够进行低炭烧焦,且具有投资低的优势。IFP技术反应压力低,重整氢气纯度高,且在烧焦速度、烧焦安全性、催化剂除尘及氮气隔离技术方面具有优势。上述对比对装置的优化、稳定运行及新建装置技术路线的选择具有一定的参考作用。 
关键词:  连续重整  国产技术  催化剂再生  催化剂循环 
Comparison and analysis of domestic and IFP technology for continuous catalytic reforming
Sun Yanpeng, Xie Jinchao, Bao Jinxin
(Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Quanzhou 362103, China)
The comparisons between domestic Continuous Catalytic Reforming (CCR) technologies and IFP technology were conducted, in which feedstock property, reaction parameters, product quality, catalyst regeneration technology, catalyst circulation process, regeneration gas dechlorination technology, safety and environmental protection, and the technology and economy were taken into account. The comparative results showed that domestic technology had the advantages of lighter composition for raw material, lower reaction temperature and space velocity, higher LPG yield, low carbon burning, and lower investment. The IFP process had the advantages of lower reaction pressure, higher hydrogen purity, as well as the superiority in coke burning rate, burning safety, catalyst dedusting, and nitrogen isolation technology. It has certain reference for the optimization and steady operation of existing unit and the technology route selection of new unit.
Key words:  continuous catalytic reforming  domestic technology  catalyst regeneration  catalyst circulation