引用本文:张龙,方向晨,张英,王阳峰,孟凡忠. 炼厂氢气系统与轻烃回收系统的集成优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(6): 43-49.
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氢气作为现代化炼厂必要的公用工程之一,在炼油成本中占相当高的比例。节氢是炼厂日常工作中提高炼厂氢气利用率的一项重要内容。从炼厂氢气系统技术构成与特点入手,分析了当前氢气系统优化的策略和方法,比较了各种优化方法的技术局限性。针对炼厂氢气系统与燃料气系统、轻烃系统不可分割的关联性,提出氢气系统与轻烃回收系统集成优化的方法和策略,并应用具体案例对集成优化方法进行分析、对比,得出炼厂氢气系统和轻烃回收系统进行集成优化的方法是科学合理的,有必要在开展炼厂氢资源优化工作时将轻烃回收纳入其中。 
关键词:  氢气  轻烃回收  氢气利用率  夹点  集成  优化 
Optimization for integration of hydrogen system and light hydrocarbon recovery system in refinery
Zhang Long, Fang Xiangchen, Zhang Ying, Wang Yangfeng, Meng Fanzhong
(Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, SINOPEC, Fushun 113001, China)
Hydrogen, which is one of the necessary utilities in modern refinery, accounts for a relatively high proportion in the cost of oil refining. Saving hydrogen is an important part of daily work to improve the utilization rate of hydrogen. To begin with composition and characteristics of hydrogen system, the optimization strategies and methods were analyzed, and the technical limitations were compared. Due to the relationship between hydrogen system, fuel gas system and light hydrocarbon system, optimization methods for integration of light hydrocarbon recovery system and hydrogen system were put forward. And taking the specific application cases of optimization method for analysis and comparison, it is concluded that optimization method for integration of hydrogen system and light hydrocarbon recovery system is scientific and reasonable, and it is necessary to integrate the light hydrocarbon recovery with it when the optimization for hydrogen resources is carried out.
Key words:  hydrogen  light hydrocarbon recovery  hydrogen utilization ratio  pinch  integration  optimization