引用本文:陈世达,汤达祯,严启团,王淑英,韩中喜. 天然气中微量铜元素富集研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(6): 105-109.
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1.中国地质大学煤层气国家工程中心煤储层实验室 ;2.中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院
天然气中微量元素的超微性决定了其只有通过浓集方可达到检测水平。为探索天然气中微量元素的富集制样方法,实现天然气中微量元素的有效检测,结合目前地气测量方法和研究思路,通过对捕集液的优选、影响因素的探究及富集制样方法的优化对天然气中微量铜元素的富集检测方法进行了有益的探索,研究发现:①硝酸和王水对Cu元素均有较好的捕集效果,其中质量分数为5%的硝酸对Cu元素捕集效果最好且最稳定;②加热赶酸再定容处理可以避免出现由于稀释而导致元素浓度低于仪器检测限的问题,使得分析误差变小,精密度提高;③室内三级吸收法能够有效实现Cu元素的稳定富集,小通气量、低速、长循环时间的方法有利于提高天然气中Cu元素的提取效果。 
关键词:  天然气  铜含量  捕集液  等离子质谱仪  三级吸收 
Study on the enrichment of trace copper element in natural gas
Chen Shida1, Tang Dazhen1, Yan Qituan2, Wang Shuying2, Han Zhongxi2
(1. Coal Reservoir Laboratory of National CBM Engineering Center, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;2. Langfang Branch of Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina, Langfang 065007, China)
The mite of trace elements in natural gas determines that it can only be detected by enrichment. In order to explore the method of the enrichment of trace elements in natural gas and realize effective detection of trace elements in natural gas, combined with the geogas measurement methods and research ideas, through optimization of the trapping fluid and influencing factors of inquiry and enriched sample preparation method,concentration detection method of trace copper elements in natural gas has been explored beneficially. The research results show that HNO3 and aqua regia can trap Cu effectively and the mass fraction of 5 wt% HNO3 is the best and the most stable of the Cu element trapping effect;the heating and removing acid can avoid the problem that the concentration of the elements is lower than the detection limit of the instrument due to dilution,thereby it can improve the measurement accuracy and reduce the analysis error;indoor three-level adsorbtion method can effectively achieve the enrichment of Cu elements stability,and the methods with low ventilation volume, indoor testing with low velocity and long circulation time are favorable to the enrichment of Cu element in gas.
Key words:  natural gas  copper content  trapping fluid  ICP-MS  three-stage adsorption