引用本文:高华光,龚希武. 内燃机内甲烷水蒸气重整特性分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(1): 46-51.
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为了较为系统地认识甲烷水蒸气重整反应对内燃机性能的影响。应用HSC 5.1软件对甲烷水蒸气重整反应在不同反应温度和水碳比的工况下进行分析,然后应用Chemkin-pro程序,计算了在相同供热量下甲烷水蒸气重整气在不同物质的量比下比CH4的燃CH4消耗降低率。结果 表明,提高反应温度和水碳比可提高CH4的转化率;当温度为700 ℃、水碳比为3时,发热量提高了13.58%,在供热相同情况下,燃CH4消耗量可减少11.96%,CH4的转化率越高,循环效率越高;重整气效率比纯天然气高,随着物质的量比降低,重整气优势降低。 
关键词:  化学回热循环  甲烷水蒸气重整  内燃机  HSC 5.1  Chemkin 
Characteristic analysis of steam methane reforming reaction in internal combustion engine
Gao Huaguang, Gong Xiwu
(School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316022, China)
To obtain a better view on the effect of steam reforming of methane (SRM) reaction on performance of internal combustion (IC) engine,by using HSC 5.1 software, SRM was analyzed at different temperature and steam/methane molar ratios. Then, by using Chemkin-pro software, fuel consumption reduced rate of methane was calculated in synthesis gas of SRM and methane at different equivalence ratios. The results show that the increase of temperature and steam/methane molar ratios will increase conversion rate of methane. When the temperature is 700 ℃ and steam/methane molar ratio is 3 under the same heating conditions, heat value will increase 13.58% , fuel consumption will decrease 11.96%, and cycle efficiency of IC engine will increase with the increase of conversion rate of methane. Efficiency of synthesis gas of SRM is higher than pure methane, unfortunately, decreases with the decrease of the equivalent ratio.
Key words:  chemical recuperation  steam reforming of methane  IC engine  HSC 5.1  Chemkin