引用本文:柯岩,谌国庆,吴峰山,韩慧玲,韩晓程. 生物酶驱油技术在低渗油田的研究及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(1): 79-82.
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优选的生物酶注入地下油层后,经过一定时间就地繁殖会产生酸、气等一系列代谢产物,能改变地层和油藏原油的物化性质,从而提高原油采收率。针对火烧山、北三台油田等低渗油田高碱、高盐、高矿化度的特点,开展的油藏适应性实验表明,生物酶能够在较苛刻的条件下正常代谢生长。通过生物酶岩心驱油对比实验发现,生物酶能有效提高油田采收率,在现场的油井、水井上分别进行的生物酶驱油试验,取得了较好的增油效果。 
关键词:  生物酶  驱油  实验  提高采收率  现场应用 
Research and application of bioenzyme flooding technology in low permeability oilfields
Ke Yan1, Chen Guoqing1, Wu Fengshan2, Han Huiling1, Han Xiaocheng1
(1. Zhundong Oil Production Factory, Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Fukang 831511, China;2. Xinjiang Zhundong Petroleum Technology Co.,Ltd, Fukang 831511, China)
When optimized biological enzyme was injected into the underground reservoir, a series of metabolites such as acid and gas, etc. were produced after in situ reproduction for a certain period of time. These metabolites could change the physicochemical properties of formation and reservoir crude oil so as to enhance oil recovery. Aiming at the characteristics of high alkali, high salt, high mineral degree of Huoshaoshan and Beisantai low permeability oilfield, the reservoir adaptability experiment showed that biological enzyme could grow in harsh conditions normally. The bio enzyme could effectively enhance oil recovery through the bio enzyme core oil displacement experiment. The bio enzyme flooding experiments in oil well and water well have good effect of oil recovery.
Key words:  biological enzyme  oil displacement  experiment  enhanced recovery  field application