引用本文:王群威,宋昌盛,王谦,陈铁杉. 抽提法测定石油产品中机械杂质的装置研制及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(1): 86-88.
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按照油品抽提技术对装置的滤纸润洗、油水分离等技术要求,自行研制出一套测定石油产品机械杂质的抽提装置,并建立使用该抽提装置测定石油产品机械杂质的方法——抽提法。国家标准GB/T 511-2010规定的石油和石油产品中机械杂质测定法存在效率低、试剂消耗量大、重复性和再现性差等问题。抽提法通过结构稳定、空间密闭的循环装置,简化操作,保证了实验的精度,降低了试剂消耗。分别按照抽提法和GB/T 511-2010测定了多种燃料油的机械杂质。结果 表明,抽提装置完全能够满足测定机械杂质的要求,抽提法与标准方法的测定结果一致。 
关键词:  机械杂质  装置研制  抽提法  测定  石油产品 
Equipment development and application of testing mechanic admixtures in petroleum products by extraction method
Wang Qunwei1, Song Changsheng2, Wang Qian1, Chen Tieshan1
(1. Ningbo Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Ningbo 315012, China;2.Taicang Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Taicang 215400, China)
According to technical requirements of oil extraction technology in equipments, such as rinsing filter paper, oil-water separation, etc, an equipment to test mechanic admixtures in petroleum products is self-developed and a method with it to determine mechanic admixtures in petroleum products by extraction is presented. The national standard (GB/T 511-2010) method has the problems such as low efficiency, high regent consumption, poor repeatability and reproducibility, etc. The extraction method simplifies the operation, guarantees the experiment precision, and lowers the regent consumption by the cycling equipment with stable structure and enclosed space. Mechanic admixtures in multi-kinds of residual fuel oil are tested according to this extraction method and the national standard method respectively. The results show that the extraction equipment could satisfy the need to test mechanic admixtures and the test value is the same got by the two methods.
Key words:  mechanic admixtures  equipment development  extraction method  determine  petroleum products