引用本文:赵成海. 我国天然气流量测量技术标准体系的建立[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(1): 92-95.
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随着我国经济的迅速发展,能源消费不断增长,天然气贸易测量越来越受到重视,对其准确性和可靠性也提出了更高要求。考虑到天然气工业的发展和管道建设的需求,我国于二十世纪末开始构建并逐步完善天然气流量测量标准体系,目前已制修订了11项天然气测量方法标准及天然气仪表检定方法标准。该标准体系以GB/T 18603《天然气计量系统技术要求》为基础,涵盖了常用的气体超声流量计、气体涡轮流量计、科里奥利质量流量计等流量计,既能满足天然气长输管道大宗贸易测量,又可满足城市燃气测量的需要,既有体积量结算,又有质量结算,还有能量结算,不但满足了天然气工业迅速发展的需要,也提升了我国天然气流量测量标准国际化水平。 
关键词:  天然气  测量  标准体系  天然气工业  国际化水平 
Establishment of natural gas flow measurement technical standard system in China
Zhao Chenghai
(National Station of Petroleum and Natural Gas Flow Measurement, Daqing 163712, China)
With the rapid development of Chinese economy, energy consumption increasing growth,gas trade measurement has been regarded highly, and the higher requirement for its accuracy and reliability have also been proposed. Considering the development of gas industry and the need of pipelines construction, China has began to building the natural gas flow measurement standard system at the end of 20th century. At present, eleven standards of methods of natural gas measurement and meter calibration have been made or revised. Based on the GB/T 18603 “Technical requirements of measuring systems for natural gas”, this standard system covers gas ultrasonic flow meter, turbine flow meter and Goriolis mass flow meter, etc. The standard system can satisfy both gas long-distance transmission pipeline measurement and city gas measurement, it contains volume settlement, quality settlement and energy settlement. The standard system not only meets the needs of the rapid development of the gas industry, but also improves the internationalization level of China's natural gas measurement standards.
Key words:  natural gas  measurement  standard system  gas industry  internationalization level