引用本文:陈赓良. 富氧硫磺回收工艺技术的开发与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(2): 1-6.
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富氧硫磺回收工艺是指以氧气或富氧空气代替空气增加装置处理量的一系列新型克劳斯工艺,从1985年COPE工艺首次投入工业应用以来已有30年发展历史。根据富氧空气中氧浓度的不同可以分为3种类型:低浓度富氧工艺(氧摩尔分数不超过28%)、中等浓度富氧工艺(氧摩尔分数不超过50%)与高浓度富氧工艺(氧摩尔分数从50%~接近100%)。在进行工程设计时,应按原料酸气中H2S浓度、需分解的杂质及其浓度等原始数据选择适合的工艺。由于富氧燃烧很容易使燃烧炉达到1 400 ℃以上的高温,故燃烧器选型、耐火材料选择、氧浓度确定及炉温控制系统设计等皆为该工艺的设计要点。目前,我国大量加工含硫原油,煤制油与煤化工也正在蓬勃发展之中,随着GB 31570-2015《石油炼制工业污染物排放标准》的发布与实施,富氧硫磺回收工艺将会有良好的发展前景,应给予充分重视。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  富氧工艺  克劳斯法  高效燃烧器  COPE工艺  OxyClaus工艺 
Development and application of oxygen-enriched sulfur recovery process
Chen Gengliang
(Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, China)
The enrichment oxygen sulfur recovery technology is a series of Claus processes in which air is replaced by pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched air to increase the treatment capacity of unit. It has been 30 years since COPE technology first put into production in 1985. According to the oxygen concentration in enrichment oxygen air, the enrichment oxygen technology could be divided into three types, namely low-level (the oxygen molar fraction is no more than 28%), medium-level (the oxygen molar fraction is no more than 50%) and high-level (the oxygen molar fraction is from 50% to about 100%). The suitable technology should be selected based on the concentration of H2S and impurity need to be decomposed in acid gas when designing. As the temperature of combustion furnace can easily reach over 1 400 ℃ through burning in enrichment oxygen, the main design points are the selection of burner, refractory, the determination of oxygen concentration in air, as well as the temperature control system of furnace. Now huge amount of sulfur containing crude oil are refined and coal chemical industry is booming in China. Along with the issuing and putting into effect of GB 31570-2015 Emission Standard of Pollutants for Petroleum Refining Industry, the oxygen enrichment technology will be developed with a good prospect and should be paid full attention on.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  oxygen-enriched process  Claus  high-efficiency burner  COPE process  OxyClaus process